

Dear all the international students,


According to the notice of the school, Winter vacation of our school in 2022 will be from January 16th to February 20th, 2022. Classes will begin on February 21th, 2022. In order to strengthen the security awareness of students in China, International Education college kindly reminds you to pay attention to the following points during the vacation:

1. 法律注意事项

Legal awareness


Abiding by all Chinese laws and university rules and regulations no matter where you are. In particular, don’t possess or take drugs, don’t take illegal jobs. Students who violate Chinas and the university regulations will be punished.

2. 疫情防控提醒

Reminder for pandemic prevention and control

   1)尽量减少外出活动,非必要,不离杭。如果有特殊需求,要离开杭州的,请提前3天在MY IEC系统上向班主任申请,审批通过方可安排出行

Reduce activities out of Hangzhou as much as possible, if the travel is not necessary or if not an emergency, please do not leave Hangzhou. If you have special needs and want to leave Hangzhou, please apply to the class teacher on the MYIEC SYSTEM 3 days in advance, and you can only leave Hangzhou after you get permission from your class teacher.


Please do the daily health report and monitor personal health status of yourself. In case of any symptoms, please report and go to fever clinics immediately and get tested.


It is stongly recommended that a mask shall be worn when going out. Avoid gatherings, and keep social distances.    


Keep your hands sanitized. Try to avoid touching public objects and parts in public areas. Keep good hygiene and health habits.


Try to avoid visiting crowded public areas. Its strictly prohibited to visit high risk areas, such as Bar, Karaoke, etc.


Don’t forget to login while enjoy your vacation. Please pay close attention to School Notice and keep your phone lines open during vacation.

7)开学前连续 14 天每日测量体温,并记录本人旅行史、居住史和密切接触史等流行病学史、本人与同住人员健康情况等。

The body temperature should be measured every day for 14 consecutive days before the semester begins, and the epidemiological history such as travel history, residence history and close contact history, as well as the health status of yourself and your fellow residents should be recorded.


Reminder: Students who conceal, delay reporting their current locations or recent travel records shall be given punished.

3. 签证事宜

Validity of visa


Please check the validity of your passport and visa. Passports should be valid for at least 6 months. If it is insufficient, please contact your embassy for replacement. If the visa will expire during the winter holiday, please contact the Admission and Student Affairs Office before the January 17th, so that we can provide necessary assistance.

4. 交通安全

Traffic security


Paying attention to the traffic security and abiding by the traffic regulations when you go out. Remember to wear helmet. Don’t ride unlicensed e-bike and drive after drinking.


Campus and electricity safety

   1) 要保管好现金和贵重物品,手机、手提电脑、数码相机等应随身携带或托人保管,离开时要关好门窗、锁好抽屉及房门,以防失窃。

Please take care of your valuables, such as laptop, camera, cell phone, etc. Make sure to lock the windows, drawers and doors before you leave.

   2) 离开宿舍前要检查用水、用电、用火安全,检查是否关好水龙头、切断电源,防止火灾、触电及其它安全事故的发生。

Check the water, electricity before leaving the dorm.

   3) 在校内住宿的学生需遵守宿舍管理制度,绝不能留宿他人、在规定时间内返回宿舍。严禁彻夜不归或留宿他处。

Students who live in our school dormitory should follow the regulations of dormitory management. Never allow visitors to stay overnight and come back to the dormitory at the prescribed time. It’s strictly prohibited to stay out all night or stay in other places.

6. 防范网络和电信诈骗

Precautions against network and wire frauds


Strengthening anti-fraud awareness. Don’t get deceived when you receive a strange phone or a strange message. Prevent the loss of property by ignoring such calls and messages. Dont purchase products through informal platform.

7. 如有疑问或需要帮助,请及时联系国际学院值班的老师。

If you have any difficulties or need any help during the vacation, please contact the teacher on duty in the International Education College in time.


If you find any suspicious person and abnormalities inside the dormtory, please call the school police86632110.


And if you get hurt outside the campus, please make calls as followed: Police: 110Fire: 119, Emergency medical aid: 120. Besides, tell your class teacher.


At present, the global pandemic situation is still not optimistic, and our life and study are still affected by the pandemic. Most of you are still in your own country, persisting in studying despite problems such as the Internet and jet lag. Every teacher in the school cares about your health and study, and actively carries out online and offline teaching courses and management services. All teachers are looking forward to seeing you soon! Into blazing flame we united, into shining stars we parted.


Wish all of you a happy Spring Festival! Everything goes well! Be safe and healthy!

作者: 来源: 点击数: 发布时间:2022年01月12日 (编辑:李巧丹)