In the spring of 2021, the fifth Chinese competition of International Education College of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University is coming as always. The contest aims to expand approaches of “Experience China” for international students and promote their learning of Chinese and understanding of Chinese culture. This year, due to the limitations of COVID-19, the competition will be conducted both online and offline. Can’t wait to show your Chinese talents, sign up now!
在这春暖花开的人间四月天,2021年浙江中医药大学国际教育学院第五届汉语大赛如约而至! 本次大赛旨在拓展国际学生感知中国的途径,促进国际学生们学习汉语的热情,增进国际学生们对中华文化的深入了解。受疫情限制,比赛将采取线上线下相结合的形式,给国际学生们一个展示自己汉语能力的舞台。同学们,你们是否已摩拳擦掌,迫不及待地展示自己的汉语风采了呢,欢迎大家踊跃报名!
Theme: My story with China
Participants: International students of ZCMU,other overseas university students who are interested in participating.
Organization: 1. Students is supposed to team up to participant, 2 to 5 people in one team, no less than 2 people and no more than 5 people.
组织形式:1. 学生以组为单位参赛报名,每组2-5人。
2. The competition includes two stages, preliminary and final stage. The preliminary will be held online. The final will be conducted both online and offline in the form of live streaming.
2. 比赛分初赛和决赛两个环节。初赛在线上举行,决赛拟采取现场直播方式线上线下同步进行。
1. The preliminary stage(April 25th-May 9th)
The preliminary is held online and include two parts. In the first part, one student from your team should take part in online written test, the specific time of the test will be notified later. For the second part, your team is supposed to submit one demo video within 3 minutes before April 25th. The contents of your video must focus on the theme and reflect the positive energy. The forms can be a singing, dubbing, recitation, sketch,vlog diary or tell a story and other subjects.
1. 初赛 (2021年4月25日-5月9日)
2. The final stage(May 31st,2021)
The final will be held both online and offline in the form of live streaming in ZCMU. Students in China will participant in the live competition, and students outside China need to submit a video themed on the topic “ My story with China”.
2.决赛 (2021年5月31日)
For students from ZCMU
For students from other overseas universities
Please scan the QR code to register! The registration deadline is April 25th.
online writing test: May 6th, 2021
one demo video: submit before May 9th, 2021
Get the high bonuses with your partner together!
Your active participation is highly appreciated!